Search - sheet extrusion line

We have found 18 product types of sheet extrusion line and 11 related suppliers. Get the most detailed machinery information and contact the manufacturers directly.
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Friendship and Excellence: Chi Chang's Formula for Global Extrusion Success
Friendship and Excellence: Chi Chang's Formula for Global Extrusion Success

Taiwan, a small island located in East Asia, manufactures a diverse range of machinery, and also includes consumer products used in our daily life, may come from a prominent player from Taiwan. There's a leading company which specializes in producing extrusion equipment in Taiwan — Chi Chang Machinery, known for its high-quality machines and being the first Taiwanese extrusion equipment manufacturer to export to high-end markets.

Chi Chang Machinery Meeting the Highest Quality Standards for Almost Half of a Century
Chi Chang Machinery Meeting the Highest Quality Standards for Almost Half of a Century

Nowadays one of the main concerns is finding reliable and experienced suppliers for different kinds of machines. Taiwanese companies are famous for its performance and service quality. One manufacturer that must be taken into consideration is CHI CHANG MACHINERY CO.,LTD (CCM), a company with almost half a century of experience in the industry, founded in 1972.